



The Difference Between DNS together with Name Servers

The DNS (Domain Name System) is a massive network of servers that comprises the largest digital database on the planet. This database is maintained, managed together with regulated past times several network authorities, including the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) together with ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names together with Numbers). 

Many people confuse the diverse damage associated amongst the DNS together with mistakenly refer to them equally either the same matter or completely dissever entities. In truth, they are neither dissever nor are they the same thing; rather, they are integral pieces to the puzzle that is the Blue Planet broad web.

If you're interested inward learning the divergence betwixt a DNS together with a shout server, together with therefore yous may desire to consider the next information.

What is the DNS?

Contrary to a seemingly pop misconception, DNS does non represent Domain Name Server or Domain Name Software. DNS is an abbreviation for the aforementioned arrangement that catalogs every domain together with IP address on the internet, including registration information, likewise equally their relation to other domains together with spider web hosts. The DNS is the key database of the internet, together with without it, the network would cease to be equally nosotros know it.

Before the domain shout arrangement was devised, computers would connect to each other via IP addresses, which are strings of segmented numbers separated past times dots. An illustration of an IP address would endure (a mutual IP address for a local router). The domain shout arrangement attaches a shout to this disclose therefore that site visitors tin hand the axe easily recall together with render to spider web addresses.

What is DNS Software?

DNS software is a computer program that is installed on a spider web server together with used to facilitate the transference of information related to the domain shout system. Technically, whatever spider web server tin hand the axe stimulate got DNS software installed on it, making the server a shout server; however, or therefore spider web hosts volition non allow yous to install or configure software inside your hosting command panel, especially inward shared hosting plans.

If you're interested inward installing DNS software on a spider web server to exercise a custom nameserver, you'll either need a VPS or dedicated hosting plan, unless you'd similar to invest several G dollars inward a someone spider web server.

What is a Name Server?

A shout server is a spider web server that has DNS software installed on it, especially a server that is managed past times a spider web host that is specifically designated for managing the domain names that are associated amongst all of the hosting provider's accounts.

Name servers are frequently called DSN servers equally well, together with this is probable the root of all of the confusion associated amongst shout servers together with the DNS.

Every spider web site has ii shout servers to which it is pointed, together with this procedure must endure done past times the webmaster upon purchasing a domain together with a hosting account. If yous stimulate got to a greater extent than questions close domain shout pointing together with your spider web hosting shout servers, it is recommended that yous contact your spider web hosting provider.

Other Articles:
An Introduction to Buying together with Selling Domain Names
How Domain Names Work
The Basics of Domain Name Registration
Understanding The Value of Domain Names
What is the Domain Name System?
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Types of DNS Servers
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How to Create a Name Server
How to Choose the Right TLD for Your Domain
When to Use Domain Forwarding

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