Why I'm Notwithstanding Non Using The Gw 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - Glasswire Official Forum

Why I'm Notwithstanding Non Using The Gw 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - Glasswire Official Forum

Why I'm Notwithstanding Non Using The Gw 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - Glasswire Official Forum

10 / 10
Jan 11
Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum

I exercise honey GW - I really do! It's a bright plan for which, at to the lowest degree from my perspective, at that topographic point is non yet whatever worthwhile alternative.

– Except.

Please, nosotros straight off convey the long-awaited GW 2, and, oh my, its 'firewall' is indeed improved - but it is STILL solely a TOY one! Please excuse my really existent exasperation together with scathing thought of the travesty that the GW 'firewall' withal is.

Seriously, I was assuming that at to the lowest degree when GW 2 came out I could dispense amongst Windows Firewall Control (WFC) together with convey a proper front-end for Windows Firewall correct at that topographic point inwards GW. And what exercise I find? – It's solely been tinkered amongst circular an border or two, together with nearly all of the requests for a proper firewall UI inwards this forum convey fallen on deaf ears!

It is clear that whoever chooses which features are to live included inwards GW has no intention at all for GW to convey a really useful or competitive firewall UI. So, having reverted to WFC after or hence fifteen minutes of incredulity at the lack of useful modify inwards the GW 'firewall' department, I straight off assume that I shall convey to proceed using WFC (with the GW 'firewall' switched off) indefinitely.

Here are the primary necessary features that I tin think of now, which are withal needed inwards GW's firewall UI (there volition live other of import things that I haven't remembered here), which are all fully implemented inwards WFC.

  1. Full listing of the Windows Firewall rules, both inbound together with outbound!! – At the 2nd GW does NOT display whatever of them at all! Instead it displays solely a split upward listing of outbound rules that it itself has created. GW2's i 'improvement' that I could see is that straight off its listing is 'synced' amongst the genuine WF list. Please, what nosotros involve is straight display of the WF rules themselves - together with ALL of them, amongst all parameters displayed or at to the lowest degree displayable!

  2. Search together with quick filter facilities!

  3. The criterion quick form of the list, based on whatever column, executed past times a click on the relevant column heading (both for ascending together with descending order), which yous brand it almost all programs' listings, but non yet inwards GW!

  4. ALL parameters of each dominion displayable (which they are non at all at the 2nd inwards GW), but amongst a right-click card business office on column header bar to select which columns are displayed. That's quite a lot of columns (a alternative of 18 - yes, eighteen! - inwards WFC), but if the user tin select which to show, hence everyone tin live satisfied.

  5. Order of columns to live rearrangeable past times dragging.

  6. Full dominion editor popup on double-click upon whatever rule.

  7. Facility to manually exercise custom rules, including temporary ones, using the total dominion editor mentioned inwards especial 6.

  8. Full WF connexion logs display function, amongst quick filtering both for inbound/outbound together with for keywords.

  9. 'New connection' alerts involve to a greater extent than choices than simply Allow / Block, such equally 'Block once', 'Block temporarily', together with 'Block / Allow solely through ports nnnn-nnnn, together with hence on - though of course of study the extra choices could live hidden through a user alternative inwards Settings, to hold things at the simplest for people who desire it that way.

  10. Those alerts also involve the alternative of a user-specifiable sound. I convey an splendid distinctive but non also intrusive audio that I convey WFC usage for its alerts.

I haven't fourth dimension to give anything similar a consummate rundown, for WFC has masses of additional facilities together with options available, but I think that the inwards a higher house listing should give or hence thought of why I most definitely volition non live using the GW 'firewall' inwards the foreseeable futurity together with sticking amongst WFC equally my firewall UI, piece greatly valuing GW for all its other functions.

So, for the foreseeable futurity I convey written-off the GW 'Firewall' equally a travesty, a toy, together with volition non pass farther fourth dimension inwards concerning myself amongst the strange modest 'improvements' that may live made to it. Basically it needs consummate redesign to live a serious proposition equally a firewall UI.

Sorry to convey crusade to audio a fight bruising on this occasion, but somebody at GW needs a hefty boot upward the butt to larn them thinking to a greater extent than clearly close the existent needs for a firewall UI.


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    Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official ForumDec '17
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    Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official ForumJan 10
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  • Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum
    Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum
Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum

I'm using it simply fine amongst paid version. Its really the solely matter I usage it for. I haven't run into a to a greater extent than simpler firewall earlier that is equally low-cal weight

Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum

That's a goodness listing but I don't direct hold amongst your primary indicate that GlassWire is solely "a TOY one" or that it is non a "genuinely useful or competitive firewall UI". I similar the simplicity of the GlassWire Firewall interface. That is i argue is why I bought it.

I didn't expression GlassWire to perish a comprehensive interface similar the Windows Defender Firewall amongst Advanced Security or Windows Firewall Control.

I also didn't expression that nosotros would larn many features inwards the showtime issue of 2.0. I expected most would follow inwards version 2.1 together with afterward because the GlassWire squad has by together with large tried to rein inwards our expectations.

Where I exercise direct hold amongst yous is the involve for many much-requested features. As yous emphasize, the user interface lacks basic together with normally used features: sort, filter, select, edit, column organize, etc. The block together with allow options are withal also limited. And hence on …

Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum

@Glasnet As mentioned here https://www.glasswire.com/changes/ 4 "GlassWire straight off also checks the integrity of the Windows Firewall on every startup, together with tin restore itself if changes were made without your knowledge."

I think the required permission degree to edit the Windows Firewall is administrator, together with if someone is administrator of your PC hence they already convey absolute command of your device anyway.

Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum

Nor does convey to live or for GW users should it become. WFC is WFC. GW is GW. Two completely differentmarket segments. It's similar yous posted upward all that hot air together with useless lecturing close supercars inwards an SUV forum. Duh.


For my personal Windows systems over nearly 2 decades it's been the offerings from Sunbelt, Online Armor (Tall Emu & Emsisoft), Comodo together with lastly the i bundled inwards Bitdefender Intenet Security, the latter amongst Glasswire Free. And I certain exercise fille Malware Defender which took upward the largest swath of that timeline. Now it's simply Windows together with GW Pro. In that fourth dimension I also dabbled amongst firewalls inwards the enterprise, customer together with server side. I convey certifications inwards Windows, Apple, Unix, Novell together with AwCrap. Outside of draw organization I've been online since a 110 baud acoustic modem, a C=64 together with BBSs together with FidoNet.

Firewalls convey for many years straight off been marketed equally a hybrid solution, wrapping network traffic (IPs together with ports) amongst or without i or several or all of HIPS, conduct blocking, IDS together with hence on. The misunderstanding of this marketing has progressed to the indicate where electrical flow discussions on "firewall" convey the same context equally "vehicle" would convey inwards a motorsports forum.

The protections presented past times a network traffic firewall are no longer effective against the most unsafe players inwards the threat landscape. While a meticulously together with expertly configured firewall tin live a front end draw weapon, similar restricting a POP or IMAP customer to server IP addresses together with ports, together with who has that expertise? I exercise but I'm non going run that past times Aunt Petunia nor am I going to configure that inwards her system.

All that said, Windows Firewall is a perfectly goodness network firewall together with left on its ain provides nifty network protection. As well, the recent (relative to Windows' history) add-on of the Network Inspection Service (NisSRV.exe) "Helps guard against intrusion attempts targeting known together with newly discovered vulnerabilities inwards network protocols."

For me, the might to block amongst i click applications that "phone out" for no argue is GW's #1 feature. And fifty-fifty for those that exercise for a reason, similar sihclinet.exe.

The monitoring together with reporting are superb. There is hardly a hateful solar daytime I don't banking company check Usage to see what's up.

As for GW's GUI, software developers convey been backed or bought into the modern/metro/millennium schoolhouse of UI pattern of the stiff layout of minimalist information displayed amongst fancy spread out fonts inwards vast nondescript monocolor borderless fields together with windows amongst narrow faint or hidden (!) scroll bars together with barely-there sizers. I can't blame developers considering the whining together with moaning close apps amongst "dated" UIs.

PhilipGoddard's numerous points for proficient granularity, regain together with alerts are legitimate but, again, the expertise required is a per centum of a per centum of the marketplace position together with GW is non it. Not to advert all that is hence frowned upon past times the screaming "quiet protection" together with "install it together with forget it" mobs.

Finally, at that topographic point is the customizable dated ugly highly granular management console of Windows Firewall amongst Advanced Security (WF.msc) for special stuff. Other than the piddling flame rules similar {Glasswire.app.out_2}, of course, IMHO Glasswire should remain out of there.

In my screenshot yous tin see where I built my ain block for IoT amusement gear inwards my domicile theater.

Glasswire rocks. And though it's non a "firewall" the i for Android too!

Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum

Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum

Dallas7 - I'd gently indicate out that, inwards your stand upward for of compulsive negativity yous got me confused amongst somebody else completely unknown to me. The 'hot air' post yous refer to was on a discipline that is completely exterior my life experience!Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum

Suggest novel features or changes to GlassWire to assist amend the software Why I'm withal NOT using the GW 'Firewall' :-( - Suggestions - GlassWire Official Forum

I exercise heartily direct hold amongst the OP. However, possibly it is a fight also much to inquire of the devs to brand GW outperform WFC on a technical level. On the other hand, materials like sorting the listing really should live available. Or remembering an activity - I cannot recall how many goddamn times I told windows photograph service 'no'.

In other words, if yous are going to implement a functionality of or hence sort, it really should perform on a somewhat decent level. And I see no BETA BETA BETA warning anywhere, hence yeah…

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